Saturday, September 02, 2006

"Pastor's 2 Cents" is about $0.02 short

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Fr. Jim DeBruycker, the Pastor of St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Minneapolis has long gotten a hefty share of attention for being on the cutting edge. This time it's advertising an annual LBGT retreat and a local Eucharist celebrated by one of the recently ordained Catholic womanpriests (of which the local archbishop is fully aware, but silent). But I say what deserves attention is Fr. Jim's recent lame-brained column in the Sunday parish bulletin.

. . . The answer to the question, “Whose brain fart was it to put communion ministers in the middle of the church?” is me. I have had a whole diaper full of brain farts in my life. This is just the latest. Of course manure is the best fertilizer.

1 comment:

  1. Fr. Jim joked about response to his column in the Sunday homily. He said one lady sent him an email with the message. "Don't forget to change your diaper."
