This is the interior of St Alban's Episcopal Church during Sunday Mass, shortly after the present church was constructed in the 1950s. You can click on the picture for a larger view.
There are a few differences to notice: Fr Beste is celebrating before the altar ad orientem; the old candlesticks and flowers are directly on the altar; I think there is also a small altar in the ambulatory at this time; there are also candlesticks on the credence table; the altar servers are all properly attired in cassock and surplice; the Walsingham statue is not yet in the baptistry (on the right); there is a large votive candle in front of the icon (on the left); the decorative iron and kneelers are not yet in the altar rail, and some of the woodwork in the pulpit and ambo have yet to be finished; the stained glass windows have yet to be installed in the nave; many of the women are wearing proper head coverings and in the photo below, the rector and other clergy are wearing their birettas in procession with Bishop Mason.

You will also notice a processional cross being used which is no longer at St Alban's.

This view of the sacristy is interesting simply for the fact that it looks almost exactly the same today. It looks like the standing crucifix on the counter is now the one on the wall over the altar in the chapel.

In this view of the front of the church, you may notice that there is no pavement in the parking lot and the trees are all different. It is also hard to see, but the A-frame behind the altar has wooden siding instead of brick. I believe the early plan was to expand that area into a larger space for a chapel. The church offices were on the left at this time, where the vesting rooms are now. The old rector's study is currently the Chapel of Ss Benedict and Scholastica.

It isn't just the people who are goofy looking in this shot from the early 80s, it's the wood paneled parish hall too.

You'll notice the woodwork has since been expanded on this lectern.

Bishop Pope puts on incense. These red vestments are no longer here.

Bishop Pope celebrates the Eucharist. You'll notice that the iron work has yet to be completed on the altar rail and that the cushions are white. The old candlesticks are still being used, and Jesus on the crucifix is still standing tall (let the reader understand). The office lights and flowers have been moved back to a new retable.

Chip and Chris question the new coadjutor about his bagel.

Fr Maneikis, chats with parishioners in the narthex. A new tile floor has just been installed.

Hands Across America comes to Arlington, Texas.

Simply amazing.

Fr Cannaday in the picture which shall not be spoken of.
I so need to start wearing a hat regularly... I tried on Easter Vigil...
I remember; it was very nice. And Mrs. Momah is always lovely with her Nigerian headgear.
As a relatively new member of St. Alban's, I appreciate the look into the past. What a history!
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