Sunday, November 09, 2008

Thanks be to God

My daughter, Madeline Grace Matkin was born on the 8th of November, 2008. At birth, she was 19.5 inches long and weighed 9 lbs, 1.5 oz. She has blond hair and blue eyes, and her parents are very happy.

For more pictures, go to her blog.


  1. Anonymous3:28 AM

    Congratulations to the happy parents!!! She is so beautiful! And so blessed!
    To grow up in a Christian family is the greatest blessing. HAPPY BIRTHDAY,Madeline Grace!

  2. Congratulations to you, Melisa and Madeline. She's a beautiful child and a very fortunate girl to have such wonderful and loving parents. I know you are both very proud. God has given you a wonderful gift to love and cherish. You are truly blessed.
    Pat Salazar

  3. Congratulations to the parents and family. Many years! BTW, Madeline shares her birthday with Dorothy Day, born November 8, 1897.

  4. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Congratulations from a Sweden!

  5. Jana and I were ecstatic to hear that all is well. Praise be to God!

  6. Congratulations!! She is just beautiful and such a lucky little girl to be born into such a loving family. I know the two of you will be great parents.

  7. Anonymous9:43 PM

    What a Happy Day! Thanks be to God for this gift of your love. She's beautiful. Call if Madeline Grace needs a local "grandparent" to care for her.
    Hugs, Diane and Gaither

  8. Warmest congratulations, Father!
