Thursday, March 04, 2010

A word of wisdom from a Methodist

In honor of the feast (yesterday) of Anglican priests John and Charles Wesley, here is a timely quote from the Rev'd David Gamble, president of the Methodist Conference in England. He recently addressed the General Synod of the Church of England on proposals for an Anglican-Methodist unity scheme, saying:

"Methodists approach the Covenant with the Church of England in the spirituality of that Covenant prayer. So when we say to God, 'let me have all things let me have nothing,' we say it by extension to our partners in the Church of England as well. We are prepared to go out of existence not because we are declining or failing in mission, but for the sake of mission. In other words we are prepared to be changed and even to cease having a separate existence as a Church if that will serve the needs of the Kingdom."

Ruth Glendhill has the rest of the story here.

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