Thursday, April 03, 2008

Summer course in theology

Looking to brush up on your theology? Consider a summer course, such as this June offering from the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, MA:

T 3150 Queer Incarnation
June 2-13, 2008: 7:00-9:00 pm

The incarnation is sometimes presented as an arithmetic problem: What do you get when you add some divinity to a human body? But thinking about incarnation has to start much further back, in the realization that accounts of Jesus show us how little we understand about either divinity or bodies, much less about how bodies can show, act, and becomes divine. Just here [sic] and theology of the incarnation can learn from works of queer theory and the writings of queer thinkers. The body of Jesus—despised, de-sexed, and yet miraculously distributed—invites us to an exchange of bodies along the margins of human power and its certainties.We will think about the queerness of Jesus’ body with the help of some traditional texts on incarnation and passion (Athanasius, Bonaventure, Aquinas, Julian) and much more recent work on gender performance, bodily transition or transformation, and the rituals of camp.

I'm not sure what the "rituals of camp" is a reference to and how it relates to either the incarnation or queerness, but there's one way to find out. The class is listed on page 37-38 of the EDS catalog. When I heard about this on Tuesday, I thought it was an April Fool's Day joke. But I guess the joke's on me. I'm glad you don't find this kind of thing at Nashotah House, my alma mater.

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