Well, that wraps up the third St Michael's Youth Conference, Southwest. It was a great session. Physically, I feel worn out, but I'm all pumped up spiritually. Here are some more photos. Click on the photo for a larger version.
Our Lord and the angels and saints were watching over us this week.
At the trivia game, one team looses and has to form a pyramid as a penalty.
Fr Foster taught the Bible classes, worth the price of admission alone.
Our Lady watches over the clergy at Davies Lodge.
Fr Brown was a mads driver on the golf cart.
Friday was a votive of the Holy Cross.
The red vestments were ones I had made for my diaconal ordination.
Here is the smoky blessing at the end of Mass.
Fr Will Brown with yours truly.
A great faculty helped make it one of the best conferences ever.
Fr Jones gives the final faculty talk after Evensong.
We assemble for a group photo in the chapel.
The boys march together. Onward Christian soldiers!
Fr Perkins and other boys join in on the push ups.
One of the annual highlights is the impersonations of the clergy at the talent show. This year, Fr Perkins was played by his son (first on left) and Fr Yost was played by his son (third from left).
Emma Doremus practices sketching me as her entry in the talent show.
Holy Hour in the chapel, when about two third of our Michaelites made their confession.
We had great boys serving as acolytes all week.
Our choir was absolutely fantastic. The music was glorious.
Fr Director puts on incense at the closing Mass on Saturday.
It was a votive of St Michael and All Angels.
A teary good-bye ends the conference. The next reunion will be on Sunday, 28 September at St Mark's in Arlington, TX.
For Fr Whitfield's photos, click here.
For Fr Brown's photos, click here.
Thank you for these nice pictures, Father. I'm glad you had a good time. The kids from St. Timothy's certainly did!