Thursday, May 21, 2009
Ascension Mass in the garden
Today is the feast of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus. We had a Mass in the church in Dublin at noon and in Comanche (since they have an outdoor altar), we had a Mass in the evening in the church garden. I appreciated the great turnout this evening. I think next year we'll do it an hour later (so we're all in the shade) and follow it up with an ice cream social.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
The Vicar of Dublin
Guess who got internet service today? To celebrate, here is a picture of the sanctuary of one of my congregations--Trinity Church in Dublin, TX. The congregation was founded in the 1899 and I think the building goes back nearly as far. It is what I would call simply country gothic. The interior and the altar are wood and the exterior is brick (though I think that might have been added later). The windows are not clear but geometric colored glass. They are just washed out in the picture.
I'll post more pictures as I get them.