Thursday, May 21, 2009

Ascension Mass in the garden

Today is the feast of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus. We had a Mass in the church in Dublin at noon and in Comanche (since they have an outdoor altar), we had a Mass in the evening in the church garden. I appreciated the great turnout this evening. I think next year we'll do it an hour later (so we're all in the shade) and follow it up with an ice cream social.


  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Nice. Make the vestments?

    Brian <><

  2. I'm so pleased to see you back on line. You've been missed! Your new churches look so warm, friendly and welcoming. I know that the parishioners will be blessed by your presence at the altars of both of these houses of worship. You are missed at St. Alban's, but our loss is their gain.
    With love in Christ, Pat Salazar

  3. Very nice, but.....
    are you really that short or is the Altar really that high?
    Vestments are VERY nice.

  4. The altar is VERY tall, both in the garden and the church. I have not measured, but I'd guess 45 to 50 inches tall. Don't ask me why.

  5. Anonymous10:50 AM

    I Father Matkin reminds me of
    little house on the prairie,
    simply beautiful and I know you
    will enrich the spiritual lives of
    your new church family. Miss you
    Need prayers for Jane Blackburn,
    had a kidney stone removed and
    also 2 hrs. later, eyes closed,
    trouble swallowing and caused her
    hands to claw up, her feet to twist
    and muscle rigidity in both her legs, it is tragic after she had come so far, but I know God will bring her forward and restore everything this allergic trauma to
    her brain caused and pray we find out if it is the die and contrast or anathesia this is the second time
    she walks in a hospital and can't walk out, it sucks, sorry, I am so
    sad if you can call her and cheer her up, I am trying , I love her
    Say hi to Melisa and Maddie. Ginger

  6. Susie W6:59 PM

    Beautiful! I want to be there next year (in the shade) :-)
    Who needs a 7 bedroom rectory when you have this setting? :-) Thank you for posting these.
