Thursday, June 22, 2006

Happy Feast

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Putting aside for the moment the heated controversy of whether it should be called our "patronal feast" or our "titular feast" (I come down on the side of the latter, in full compliance with Ritual Notes), it has been a happy feast. It was also wonderful to serve as a deacon again for the liturgy, wearing the dalmatic I was ordained in.

We were so blessed to have Fr Beste with us last year before his untimely passing. It was a pleasure to welcome the second Rector of St. Alban's, Arlington, Fr Dennis Smart (pictured below). I enjoyed the anecdotes that he shared, and there were several people who had not had the opportunity to visit with him in a long while.
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1 comment:

Coppermouse Dolls said...

Everyone looks great! Hooray for St. Alban! He is my personal favorite saint.